2020 Osteoarthritis and Osteoarthritis Pain- Virtual Learning Competitive Grant Program

Funding Agency:
Pfizer Inc.

Pfizer and Lilly are collaborating to provide grant support for continuing professional education in the area of Osteoarthritis/Osteoarthritis Pain. We are committed to supporting innnovative, independent medical education for healthcare professionals. Grants via this collaboration will be funded by Pfizer, but reviewed and approved by both companies. Further information about their collaboration is available on the Pfizer grant website.

There remains unmet need in the management of osteoarthritis and chronic pain associated with osteoarthritis. Given the recent and anticipated cancelation of many medical conferences worldwide, healthcare providers will have difficulty staying current with the newest recommendations for management/guidelines of OA and the emerging data for research/therapies under development to treat OA and OA pain. Through this RFP, it is our intent to support virtual programs for HCPs on Osteoarthritis and Chronic Pain associated with OA patient-centered standard of care and management including pain and function, the biopsychosocial aspects of the disease, the complexities and challenges of care, and the future of OA/OA pain management. Programs targeted towards reviewing data from canceled or virtual rheumatology, pain, primary care or other associated medical conferences are of particular interest.

Projects that will be considered for Pfizer and Lilly support will focus on education including, but not limited to: • The impact and importance of Osteoarthritis (OA) and its disease burden and the unmet medical need in OA pain management • Current standard of care for OA/OA pain and its challenges • Comprehensive OA pain management – including the biopsychosocial aspects of the disease, setting functional goals and tools for individual pain and function assessment, goal setting, monitoring and tailored pain management • Comorbidities associated with chronic pain in OA (psych, etc) • The impacts of COVID-19 on Chronic Pain Osteoarthritis patients • Trends in OA management and the future of OA management • The evolution of the primary provider of Osteoarthritis - who owns OA management? • Addressing healthcare disparities • Are there best practices from other disease states we can learn from?

The successful applicant will propose projects that actively engage the learner, employ innovative learning technologies, provide opportunities for learner exchange and include measurement techniques (needs assessment and outcomes data that allows for meaningful assessment of program impact). More information on principles of learning and behavior change for health professionals can be found at www.pfizer.com/files/HealthProfessionalsLearningandBehaviorChange _AFewPrinciples.pdf.

Grant Application due date: July 22, 2020

Agency Website

Eligibility Requirements

Geographic Scope: Global

• The following may apply: medical, dental, nursing, allied health, and/or pharmacy professional schools; healthcare institutions (both large and small); professional associations and medical societies; medical education companies; and other entities with a mission related to healthcare professional education and/or healthcare improvement. • If the project involves multiple departments within an institution and/or between different institutions / organizations / associations. All institutions must have a relevant role and the requesting organization must have a key role in the project. • For projects offering continuing education credit, the requesting organization must be accredited. • More information on organizations eligible to apply directly for a grant can be found at http://www.pfizer.com/files/IGLC_OrganizationEligibility_effJuly2015.pdf



Amount Description

Individual projects requesting up to $250,000 will be considered.

Funding Type





Curriculum Development
Medical - Clinical Science

External Deadline

July 22, 2020