Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 10/20/2023

Advancing Geroscience Efforts Round 2

The Hevolution Foundation Advancing Geroscience Efforts (HF-AGE) will provide up to $5 million in 2024 to fund projects in Aging Biology and Geroscience that were deemed meritorious in peer review by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) but were not funded in fiscal year (FY) 2023. Hevolution envisions funding approximately 8- 10 projects in Aging Biology or Geroscience, limited to grant proposals assigned to the National Institute on Aging (NIA), and reviewed in FY 2023. The final funding decision will be based primarily on the alignment between the proposed research and the mission and goals of Hevolution Foundation.

The application deadline is 24 November 2023.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible, the project must:

  • Use one of the following funding mechanisms: R01, R21, R03, K99

  • Have been submitted for review to NIH, with a proposed starting date within FY 2023, which is October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023

  • Have a primary assignment to the NIA

  • Have a score within 10 percentile (or 10 points if not percentiled) of the NIA general funding line for the mechanism used (extra points given to Early Stage and New Investigators, will not be honored).

  • Be focused on Aging Biology or Geroscience

Amount Description

The Hevolution Foundation Advancing Geroscience Efforts (HF-AGE) will provide up to $5 million to fund approximately 8- 10 projects.

  • While we intend to respect the award's proposed budget and length requested by the applicants, Hevolution Foundation reserves the right to curtail these at its own discretion.
  • Overhead/indirect costs request of up to 25% of the total direct cost of the grant. However, sub-award and equipment costs should be excluded when calculating indirect costs. Funding for equipment costing up to $10,000 for the entire project, and travel costs up to $5,000/year are allowed (these budget limits include subaward/s).
  • Graduate Student tuition remission cannot be requested in the budget.
  • Hevolution Foundation will not allow Primary Institution to include the first $25,000 of the subaward/s cost when calculating total indirect cost.
  • If the original budget requests items and/or exceeds cost limits outlined in the Hevolution Foundation budget instructions, exclude these costs in the application budget. These costs cannot be re-budgeted into any other categories.

Funding Type