Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 8/8/2024

AHA Early Career Investigator Database Seed Grant

The American Heart Association/American Stroke AssociationĀ® (AHA/ASA) greatly value the development of Early Career Professionals. Investigator-led research opportunities are provided through a limited number of Early Career Investigator Database Research Seed Grants (ECI Grants) using data from AHA/ASA Quality Improvement Programs, including Get With The GuidelinesĀ® (GWTG).

For many professionals, these ECI Grants serve as stepping stones to future opportunities in research, collaboration and scientific advancement. The ECI Grant recipient will receive AHA/ASA national level oversight as well as valuable GWTG Committee leadership and mentorship from key volunteer physicians.

For the AHA/ASA, these ECI Grants provide a step forward in our mission of building healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke.

Get With The GuidelinesĀ® (GWTG) is a hospital-based quality improvement program designed to close the treatment gap in cardiovascular disease, stroke, and resuscitation. It includes modules in atrial fibrillation, coronary artery disease, heart failure, resuscitation and stroke.

Proposals must be submitted by Oct 16th each year to QualityResearch@heart.org

Applicants may submit one proposal per module.

Eligibility Requirements

Investigators eligible to apply for the ECI Grant are PhDs and/or MDs who are current residents, fellows in training or have completed training within the last 5 years, or other doctoral prepared professionals who are early in their career development and have interest in cardiovascular or stroke research.