Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 7/15/2024

Alcohol Treatment, Pharmacotherapy, and Recovery Research (R34 Clinical Trial required)

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism solicits applications for an R34 Clinical Trial Required mechanism focusing on alcohol treatment and recovery research. This NOFO will focus broadly on topics relevant for treatment of and recovery from alcohol use disorder (AUD), including: medications development, precision medicine, behavioral therapies and mechanisms of behavioral change (MOBC), recovery, translational research, and innovative methods and technologies for AUD treatment and recovery.

Companion FOAs:

PAR-23-250 , R01 Research Project
PAR-23-251 , R01 Research Project
PAR-23-252 , R34 Planning Grant


  • Letter of Intent: 30 days before the application due date.
  • R34 Due Dates: Feb. 16, Jun. 16, Oct. 16

PAR-23-249 Expiration Date: September 08, 2026

Amount Description

Direct costs are limited to $450,000 over the R34 project period, with no more than $225,000 in direct costs allowed in any single year.

Funding Type