Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 7/16/2024

AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP Competition

This funding announcement is an opportunity for communities to apply for funding to engage adults ages 55 and older in tackling the community’s most pressing needs through the AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP program. This is an open competition across all states and territories.

Established in 1971 and now one of the largest senior volunteer programs in the nation, AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP engages people ages 55 and older in a diverse range of volunteer activities. AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP volunteers tutor children, help prepare simple taxes, assist victims of natural disasters, provide nutrition/food support, facilitate opioid and substance abuse education workshops, and serve in their communities in many other ways. AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP volunteers choose how, where, and how often they want to serve, with commitments ranging from a few hours to a maximum of 40 hours per week. While serving, AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP volunteers improve their own lives by staying active and civically engaged.


Deadline: Sep. 18, 2024

Areas of Interest

AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP priorities for this funding opportunity are:
Supporting older adults and their caregivers. AmeriCorps Seniors programming not only engages adults aged 55 and over in solving unmet community needs, but also is at the forefront of helping older adults thrive in their communities. Programs that could fall under this priority include but are not limited to supporting caregivers of older adults by providing respite for caregivers or hosting caregiver support groups, assisting older adults or their caregivers with system navigation and care coordination, and aiding grandparents or older adults who are custodians of children. 

Helping older adults re-enter the workforce, including but not limited to services related to job readiness or job seeking, mentoring or coaching, training or upskilling, and removing barriers to employment for older adults. (Note: the AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers serving under this priority are not job seekers; instead, they will be providing services to other older adults who are job seekers.)
Preventing and mitigating fraud and scams targeting older adults, including but not limited to using digital navigators and other methods to prevent and mitigate financial fraud, abuse, and exploitation of older adults, particularly with the evolution of artificial intelligence and increase in the use of digital technology in fraud and scams.
Reducing the number of people who are unhoused, including but not limited to developing or renovating affordable housing, supporting people who are unhoused (including those in encampments or in unauthorized encampments on public lands) in finding and maintaining permanent housing, and addressing housing needs of specific populations (older adults, veterans, immigrants, etc.).
Supporting local climate change initiatives, including but not limited to educating the community about greenhouse gas emissions, supporting energy conservation and renewable energy through education or modifications to make homes energy efficient, educating the community on waste management practices such as composting and recycling, and planting trees or restoring ecosystems to counter greenhouse gas emissions.
Supporting behavioral health initiatives that improve mental health and reduce the impact of substance use, including but not limited to reducing isolation and loneliness among older adults, improving older adult mental health, using peer-to-peer support and support groups for people of all ages and their family members, helping with system navigation and care coordination, providing supportive employment or housing programs, distributing and training in the use of Narcan or Naloxone, and using harm reduction efforts such as fentanyl test strips.

Eligibility Requirements

The following non-Federal entities (all of which are defined in 2 CFR 200.1 or 42 U.S.C. 12511(21) are eligible to apply:
• Indian Tribes
• institutions of higher education
• local governments
• non-profit organizations
• states (including state commissions*) and US Territories

Amount Description

Award amounts will vary as determined by the scope of the projects. The federal share of the budget cannot exceed $75,000 + $350 per unduplicated volunteer. AmeriCorps expects to make awards in the range of zero ($0)* to $425,000 ($75,000 + (1,000 volunteers x $350)).

Funding Type