Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 12/4/2023

Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research Grants Program (BRAG)

The purpose of the BRAG program, Assistance Listing 10.219, is to support the generation of new information that will assist Federal regulatory agencies [USDA’s – Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service - Biotechnology Regulatory Services (APHIS-BRS), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Food and Drug Administration (FDA)] in making science-based decisions about the environmental effects of introducing genetically engineered (GE) organisms by techniques that use recombinant, synthesized, or amplified nucleic acids to modify or create a genome. The organisms include plants, microorganisms (including fungi, bacteria, and viruses), arthropods, fish, birds, livestock, and other animals. These include related wild and agricultural organisms.

The statutory program goals and objectives are to authorize and support environmental assessment research to help identify and analyze environmental effects of biotechnology and to authorize research to help regulators develop long-term policies concerning the introduction of such technology

NIFA is soliciting applications for the BRAG program under the following program areas:
1. Standard Research Proposals
2. Conference Proposals

Deadline: Feb. 29, 2024

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants for the BRAG program are limited to public or private research or educational institutions or organizations and must meet all the requirements discussed in this RFA. Failure to meet the eligibility criteria by the application deadline may result in exclusion from consideration or preclude NIFA from making an award. For those new to Federal financial assistance, NIFA’s Grants Overview provides highly recommended information about grants and other resources to help understand the Federal awards process.

Duplicate or Multiple Submissions – In accordance with Part III of the NIFA Grants Application Guide, submission of duplicate or predominantly overlapping applications is not allowed. NIFA will disqualify both applications if an applicant submits multiple applications that are duplicative or substantially overlapping to NIFA programs within the same fiscal year.

Funding Type