Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 5/9/2023


The Water Power Technologies Office (WPTO) is issuing this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) “Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), Section 41006(a)(2): U.S. Tidal Energy Advancement” to significantly advance the state of tidal and/or current technologies in the U.S. Awards made under this FOA will be funded with funds appropriated by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act[1], more commonly known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL).

Through this FOA, DOE will invest $35,000,000 under Section 41006(a)(2) to fund the first large-scale investment for the development of a pilot tidal and/or current Research, Development and Demonstration (RD&D) site in the U.S., with the aim to position tidal and/or current energy generation as a key clean energy contributor ready for net-zero emissions power sector while creating good jobs. An additional $10,000,000 under Section 41006(a)(2) will be invested in a community-led tidal and/or current energy project, where balancing community energy priorities and technology innovation will accelerate tidal and current energy technologies for the generation of power to promote the resilience and economic development of coastal communities.

Topic Area 1 Deadlines:

  • Concept Papers: June 5, 2023
  • Full Applications: July 25, 2023

Topic Area 2 Deadlines:

  • Concept Papers: July 13, 2023
  • Full Applications: Oct. 19, 2023
Areas of Interest

Topic Area 1 (TA1): Tidal and/or Current Site Development will provide up to $35M to support the development of a pilot tidal and/or current technology demonstration site in state waters17. Topic Area (TA) 1 projects will develop plans for a tidal and/or current demonstration site, engage with Tribal, local, state, labor, and regulatory partners, build local commercial and supply chain relationships, develop needed infrastructure at the site, and install 1-5 MW of tidal and/or current turbine capacity at the site. WPTO anticipates making two awards under TA1, with a down-select to one project at the end of the first Budget Period (BP).

Topic Area 2 (TA2): Community-led Tidal and/or Current Energy Planning and Project Execution will provide up to $10 million to support a community-led tidal and/or current energy planning and development project in the U.S., preferably led by a community-based organization18, a Tribe and/or Tribal government / organization / corporation / union, or local/municipal government entity.

Eligibility Requirements

The proposed prime recipient and subrecipient(s) may be a domestic or foreign entity. Foreign entities are eligible to apply in limited circumstances, subject to the requirements of Section III.A.ii. The following types of domestic entities are eligible to participate as a prime recipient or subrecipient of this FOA: 1. Institutions of higher education; 2. For-profit entities; 3. Non-profit entities; and 4. State and local governmental entities, and Indian Tribes

An entity may submit more than one Concept Paper and Full Application to this FOA, provided that each application describes a unique, scientifically distinct project and provided that an eligible Concept Paper was submitted for each Full Application.

Amount Description

EERE expects to make a total of approximately $45M of federal funding available for new awards under this FOA, subject to the availability of appropriated funds. EERE anticipates making approximately 2-4 awards under this FOA. EERE may issue one, multiple, or no awards. Individual awards may vary between $3M and $32M.