The Biotechnology Research and Development Corporation (BRDC) does not award research grants as do federal and state funding organizations. Instead, BRDC enters into research contracts that are similar to those funded by most private-sector companies. Prior to funding a research project at a university, BRDC enters into a general agreement with the university—stipulating the terms and conditions under which BRDC will work with the university and its faculty.
BRDC funds projects in animal sciences, plant sciences, biocatalysis, and materials sciences. These projects range in length from one to three years, of which eighty percent are considered long-term. The remainder are considered short-term and can be transferred to the marketplace within a shorter period of time. These one-year studies are designed for scientists who have an innovative idea and need funding for preliminary work. The budget for a Feasibility Study cannot exceed $60,000 (including indirect costs)—and no more than ten percent of these funds can be used for equipment.
Scientists seeking funding for three-year studies are required to submit preproposals for evaluation by the BRDC Scientific Advisory Board (SAB). Based on these evaluations, BRDC will then request full proposals. (Scientists submitting full proposals use Public Health Service Form 398.)
Deadline: Open.