Posted: 4/18/2022


The Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense (JPEO-CBD) is organized into five Joint Project Management Offices (JPMO), each responsible for specific commodity areas. General information on the JPEO-CBD and subordinate JPMOs can be obtained from the JPEO-CBD website at The medical CBRN countermeasures developed by the Joint Project Manager Medical Countermeasure Systems (JPM MCS) office directly support the current, near-term, and far-term challenges by providing the capability to prevent, diagnose and treat the effects of chemical, radiological and biological warfare agents. Mission areas and technical points of contact for the product management offices within the JPM MCS are shown in Section VII of this BAA. Proposals are sought from all eligible sources as specified herein, including educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, and private industry. This Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) provides general information, proposal preparation instructions, evaluation and selection criteria, and award administration.

This BAA is intended to solicit pre-proposals for JPM MCS for:

  • Procurement Contracts, Grants, and Cooperative Agreements: Awarded Procurement Contracts and Grants shall apply to those parts of development not related to the development of a specific system or hardware procurement based on the Technical Readiness Level limitations described herein.
  • Other Transactions Agreements – Prototype: The award of Prototype OTAs shall be for the development of prototypes in accordance with Section 2371b of title 10. U.S.C. The resultant award of any OTA using the procedures of this BAA either announced in Section VII or for a requirement announced in section VIII are NOT made or issued under the provisions of the Competition in Contracting Act of 1984 (P.L. 98-369), FAR Part 6 or any other FAR based regulation. However, solely as a matter of convenience to meet the requirement for maximum practicable competition, the mechanics of the competitive BAA process detailed in this BAA otherwise not applicable to OTAs are, as supplemented herein, adopted as the competitive procedure for entering into OTAs.
  • Technology Investment Agreements: As prescribed in 32 CFR Part 37, TIAs are defined as a special class of assistance instruments used to support or stimulate research. A TIA may be either a kind of cooperative agreement or a type of assistance transaction other than a grant or cooperative agreement. TIAs allow for involvement of commercial firms in defense research programs and for other purposes (described in 32 CFR 37 appendix A) related to integrating the commercial and defense sectors of the nation's technology and industrial base.

Generally, this announcement is continuously open; preliminary proposals (preproposals) may be submitted and will be evaluated for the general requirements of this BAA at any time throughout the year. The availability of funds may limit the ability of the U.S. Government to make awards in specific areas, nevertheless preproposals are sought under this BAA announcement for areas consistent with the mission areas identified in Section VII of this announcement. JPM - MCS is interested in proposals that are based on data from experiments using specific CBRN warfare agents, not surrogates, to demonstrate safety, efficacy or mode of action. (Please note that CBRN warfare agents may not be provided by the DoD for these efforts.) We are interested in studies on new and better ways to develop medical countermeasures more rapidly and with increased efficiency through enabling technologies, life cycle bioinformatics, and improved logistics tracking.