With the continuing spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Energy Basic Energy Sciences neutron sources will provide remote rapid access to support research into the COVID-19 virus and the search for effective diagnostics and therapies. Beamlines that will be made available at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) and High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, include neutron macromolecular crystallography, small angle scattering, reflectometry, spectroscopy and imaging beamlines.
SNS and HFIR beamlines are supported by staff with expertise in neutron structural biology, biophysics, chemistry, and nanoscale materials science and engineering and could be used to help to develop physical, chemical and environmental controls to virus transmission, infection and replication, and guide in the development of new diagnostics and therapeutics of disease.
Researchers who would like to use these resources should submit a short rapid access proposal, outlining experiment aims and scope, at https://snsapp1.sns.ornl.gov/xprod_ro/f?p=109:26. A facility scientist will contact you regarding your proposal within 2 days. Scientific and technical questions should be sent to Dean Myles at mylesda@ornl.gov.