The Amyloidosis Foundation and Pfizer Global Medical Grants are excited to announce a new mentorship program. Our aim is to create formal, short-term (9 month) Mentor/Mentee partnerships between Mentors and Healthcare Institutions which encourage the transfer of expertise and knowledge between established and emerging Cardiac Amyloidosis centers. Through this effort, our goals are to:
• Support the development of emerging Cardiac Amyloid Centers to ensure health equity and address health care disparities across the United States for patients with ATTR-CM
• Enable Mentor to guide Mentee towards achieving his/her developmental objectives ultimately ensuring appropriate diagnosis, treatment, management, and comprehensive care of patients with ATTR-CM
• Provide emerging centers a Community of Practice to share ideas, best practices and ask for feedback
The Cardiac Amyloidosis mentor mATTch pRogram aims to support career development for less experienced healthcare professionals from all backgrounds and disciplines in the field of cardiac amyloidosis. It aims to create a valuable network, increase knowledge sharing and improve interpersonal and communication skills.
Grant Application due date: April 21, 2022