Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 1/18/2024

Centers of Excellence for Stormwater Control Infrastructure Technologies Grant Program

The EPA is soliciting applications from eligible entities to establish and maintain regional Centers of Excellence for new and emerging stormwater control infrastructure technologies, with the goal of improving the effectiveness, cost efficiency, and protection of public safety and water quality. The EPA is also soliciting applications from eligible entities to create and maintain a national electronic clearinghouse to centrally collect and distribute the work of the Centers of Excellence. For the purposes of this announcement, “regional” or “geographical region” means consisting of two or more states.

The EPA is soliciting applications from eligible applicants in two Project Areas, as described below. Under this competition, only one application can be submitted per applicant under a Project Area. If an applicant submits an application under Project Area 1, they may then submit a separate application under Project Area 2. That is, an applicant cannot submit an application for Project Area 2 without submitting an application for Project Area 1. Each application submitted under this announcement must address one, and only one, of the Project Areas described below. The cover page of each application package must clearly indicate the Project Area addressed in the application. While the EPA intends to make awards in all Project Areas, the EPA reserves the right to make more than one award in a Project Area and/or make no awards in a Project Area.

Under this competition, only one application can be submitted per Project Area. Interested applicants from within Duke should contact fundopps@duke.edu as early as possible.

Deadline: March 18, 2024

Areas of Interest

Project Area 1: Establish and maintain a regional Center of Excellence.
The EPA is soliciting applications to establish regional Centers of Excellence that will: i) conduct research on new and emerging stormwater control infrastructure technologies, including stormwater and sewer overflow reduction, other approaches to water resource enhancement, alternative funding approaches, and other environmental, economic, and social benefits; ii) provide technical assistance to state, Tribal, and local governments to assist with the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of stormwater control infrastructure projects that use innovative technologies; and iii) collaborate with regional institutions of higher education and private and public organizations, including community-based public-private partnerships and other stakeholders.

Project Area 2: Create and maintain a national electronic clearinghouse.
If an applicant submits an application under Project Area 1, they may then submit a separate application under Project Area 2. Under Project Area 2, the EPA is soliciting applications to create and maintain a national electronic clearinghouse. Applications should describe how they will develop, operate, and maintain a national electronic clearinghouse that contains information relating to new and emerging stormwater control infrastructure technologies and posts information from the other Centers of Excellence. The national electronic clearinghouse should be populated with research, findings, technical assistance, recommendations, best practices, and outreach (e.g., trainings, webinars, fact sheets) from each Center of Excellence and promoted to other organizations to expand the availability of water technical assistance, including to disadvantaged and underserved communities.

Eligibility Requirements

Consistent with Assistance Listing No. 66.490, eligible applicants under this competition are institutions of higher education, research institutions, and nonprofit organizations1 that have demonstrated excellence in researching and developing new and emerging stormwater control infrastructure technologies and with the core mission of water management. Nonprofit organizations that are not exempt from taxation under section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code must submit other forms of documentation of nonprofit status, such as certificates of incorporation as nonprofit under state or Tribal law.

Amount Description

The total estimated amount of federal funding available under this announcement is approximately $3,000,000, depending on agency funding levels, the quality of applications received, agency priorities, and other applicable considerations. Under Project Area 1, the EPA anticipates awarding three cooperative agreements, and no more than five cooperative agreements. The EPA expects each award to range from a minimum of $588,000 to no more than $980,000. Applicants may not request more than $980,000 in federal funding per application. Applications requesting more than $980,000 are not eligible and will not be reviewed. While the EPA expects to make three awards, there is no guarantee that this will be done, and the EPA may award fewer or more cooperative agreements based on the quality of applications received.

Under Project Area 2, the EPA anticipates awarding one cooperative agreement. The EPA expects the award to range from a minimum of $30,000 to no more than $60,000. Applicants may not request more than $60,000 in federal funding per application. Applications requesting more than $60,000 are not eligible and will not be reviewed. While the EPA expects to make one award, there is no guarantee that this will be done, and the EPA may award no awards based on the quality of applications received.

Funding Type