Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 5/20/2022

CESU -- Visitor Use Research at Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie National Historical Park

The National Park Service seeks to enter into a partnership with a university through an agreement to complete a visitor use study at Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie National Historical
Park (FOSU) in South Carolina. Scientific research sampling of the public will be conducted at various locations within the park to help shape future planning strategies for visitor use.

Proposal Details and Due Date
The NPS is requesting a formal proposal in which qualifications, methodology, a budget and locality are the elements of evaluation. The NPS hopes to finalize a scope of work and begin the project in September 2022.

Send all enquires and submit electronic proposals to Elizabeth Oliphant, Project Specialist by June 7, 2022.

Eligibility Requirements

Principal Investigators (PIs) must have a Ph.D. or comparable research experience and a record of applied experience. Expertise in creating observational study methods, conducting observational studies, analyzing data for practical implications and planning, and producing written reports is highly recommended. The qualifications of additional team members should complement the goals and objectives of this study. Include all qualifications and experience in your proposal.  

Funding Type