Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 8/9/2023

Chesapeake Bay Program Office Fiscal Year 2023 Request for Applications for: Leverage High Resolution Watershed Data for Water Quality Modeling using Machine Learning Techniques

EPA seeks to support one recipient to work in close support and collaboration with CBP scientists and modelers using machine learning and/or other appropriate techniques, applied to the high-resolution land use, landform, hydrography data, and additional derivatives from these data that are relevant to hydrology and nutrient and sediment processes. The work will generate meaningful information on watershed processes to inform and improve the development of the CBP’s Phase 7 CAST and Dynamic Watershed Models.

Deadline: Sep. 22, 2023

Eligibility Requirements

Consistent with Assistance Listing 66.466, Clean Water Act Section 117(d), and EPA’s Policy for Competition of Assistance Agreements (EPA Order 5700.5A1), competition under this solicitation is available for technical and general assistance grants to nonprofit organizations, state, tribal (federally recognized) and local governments, colleges, universities, and interstate agencies. For-profit organizations are not eligible to submit applications in response to this RFA.

Amount Description

The total estimated federal funding under this solicitation is approximately $450,000 for one cooperative agreement. Funding will be awarded incrementally in the amount of $150,000 per year for three years depending on funding availability, satisfactory performance, Agency priorities, and other applicable considerations. There is no guarantee of funding throughout this period or beyond.

Funding Type