Clin-STAR Visiting Professor Travel Fund

Interested in bringing a clinical researcher in geriatrics/gerontology to your institution for Grand Rounds or other training activities?

The Clin-STAR Visiting Professor Program is designed to expose clinician-scientists and other faculty and trainees, especially those at institutions lacking robust aging/geriatrics research programs, to leaders in aging research.

Up to $3,000 may be requested to cover travel in the U.S., meals, accommodations, honorarium of up to $1,000, and other Visiting Professor activities.

Applications may be submitted at any time; requests for funding will be reviewed on a first come, first serve basis. 

Eligibility Requirements
  • Any faculty or trainee may submit an application; applications from institutions lacking robust aging/geriatrics research programs will be given priority.
  • Visiting Professors are expected to be distinguished individuals who have attained wide recognition in their field of research.
  • Institution and travel must be within the US.