This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is designed to support highly integrated research teams of three to six Program Directors/Principal Investigators (PDs/PIs) to address ambitious and challenging research questions that are within the mission of NIGMS. Project goals should not be achievable with a collection of individual efforts or projects. Collaborative program teams are expected to accomplish goals that require considerable synergy and managed team interactions. Teams are encouraged to consider far-reaching objectives that will produce major advances in their fields.
This FOA is not intended for applications that are mainly focused on the creation, expansion, and/or maintenance of community resources, creation of new technologies, or infrastructure development.
Two applications per institution (with a Unique Entity Identifier ) and a unique NIH eRA Institutional Profile File (IPF) number) are allowed per review round. The same or a similar topic may be submitted for subsequent review rounds involving the same or a similar team, but must be presented as a New application, not a Resubmission.
- Duke Internal Deadline: Nominees have been selected for the Jan. 2025 round
- Letters of Intent Due Date(s): 30 days prior to the application due date
- Application Due Dates(s): May 29, 2024; Jan 28, 2025; May 28, 2025; Jan 27, 2026
PAR-23-077 Expiration Date: January 28, 2026
NOTE: If the internal deadline has passed and you are interested in this opportunity, please email to find out if it is still open.
The application is required to be submitted as a multiple PD/PI application, with three to six PDs/PIs. All PDs/PIs must have an appointment at a domestic institution. Scientists employed solely by foreign institutions may not serve as one of the PDs/PIs of the multiple PD/PI team, although they may be included in the application as collaborators/co-investigators, consultants, or other significant contributors. See the multiple PD/PI Policy and submission details in the Senior/Key Person Profile (Expanded) Component of the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide, and the Grant Policy Statement on Multiple Principal Investigators. Minimum allowed efforts by the PDs/PIs are described in the R&R Budget instructions in Part 2. Section IV.2.
Any eligible scientists with the interest and ability to develop a team science program to address an important research question are welcome to apply.
- NIGMS encourages the participation of early career investigators as part of the multiple PD/PI team as appropriate.
- Note that ESIs and new investigators who participate as a PD/PI will lose their ESI or new investigator status for future NIH applications.
- ESIs supported by developmental funds in future years are not designated as PDs/PIs and will not lose ESI status.
- PDs/PIs who have an active NIGMS R35 award can participate as a RM1 PD/PI. Their RM1 effort will be part of the 51% research effort on their current R35 award but may not receive additional funds .
- Applicants with substantial unrestricted research support may receive funding from this award as their one NIGMS grant award, or may participate in an unfunded advisory or consulting role without loss of their ability to receive one funded NIGMS grant, consistent with NIGMS funding policies.
While applications may request research program budgets of up to $1.5 million direct costs per year, it is anticipated that most awards will be between $700,000-$900,000 direct costs. Annual inflationary increases are not allowed. The requested budget should be consistent with the number of PDs/PIs and the complexity and needs of the proposed program. An additional $250,000 direct costs per year may be requested for optional developmental funds to support the addition of ESIs to the program in years 2-5.
Owing to the sponsor's restriction on the number of applications that may be submitted from Duke, anyone wishing to pursue nomination should submit the following materials as one PDF.
- NIH Biosketch for lead PI.
- Identify the names and affiliations of the multi-PI (MPI) team (between 3-6 PIs).
- 1-page Specific Aims that summarizes:
- The biomedical problem being addressed relevant to NIGMS research priority areas.
- The long-term goals and first 5-year objectives of the RM1 proposal to address this problem.
- Describe the multidisciplinary (and multi-university, if applicable) composition and collaborative/team science approach to accomplish these goals and objectives.
- Describe the expected outcomes and what makes them significant and innovative.
Please submit internal materials through My Research Proposal. (Code: ILN)
Instructions for creating an account (if needed) and submitting your materials: