The FY24 PCRP Exploration – Hypothesis Development Award supports the exploration of highly innovative, untested, potentially high-gain concepts, theories, paradigms, and/or methods that address an important problem relevant to one or more of the FY24 PCRP Overarching Challenges. This award is designed to provide investigators the opportunity to pursue serendipitous observations that may reveal entirely new avenues for investigation. Results of studies conducted through this award may provide the scientific premise upon which a new hypothesis can be based or initial proof of principle of an innovative hypothesis, laying the groundwork for future avenues of scientific investigation. Presentation of preliminary data is inconsistent with the intent of this award mechanism and is therefore strongly discouraged. However, logical reasoning and a sound scientific rationale for the proposed work must be described.
• Required Pre-Application Deadline: June 21, 2024
• Application Submission Deadline: July 12, 2024
The mission of the FY24 PCRP is to fund research that will eliminate death and suffering from prostate cancer and enhance the well-being of Service Members and their Families, Veterans, and all the patients and caregivers who are experiencing the impact of the disease. Within this context, the PCRP is interested in supporting research that addresses specific gaps in prostate cancer research and clinical care; therefore, applications are required to address one or more of the following FY24 PCRP Overarching Challenges:
• Improve quality of life to enhance outcomes and overall health and wellness for those impacted by prostate cancer
• Develop new treatments or improve upon existing therapies to improve outcomes for men with lethal prostate cancer
• Advance health equity and reduce disparities in prostate cancer
• Define the biology of prostate cancer progression to lethal prostate cancer to reduce death
Investigators at all academic levels (or equivalent), including postdoctoral fellows, are eligible to be named as the PI on applications.
The anticipated direct costs budgeted for the entire period of performance for an FY24 Exploration – Hypothesis Development Award should not exceed $150,000. Refer to Section II.D.5, Funding Restrictions, for detailed funding information.