LOI Deadline
Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 3/26/2024

Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) -- Epilepsy Research Program -- Leveraging Research Award

The intent of the FY24 ERP LRA is to leverage ongoing or completed research studies for which PTE was not an original focus and to provide support to expand the research to develop such a focus and increase our understanding of PTE. The project may include basic, translational, and/or clinical research studies. The study must be associated with an ongoing or completed research effort in which PTE is/was not a research priority and for which addition of cohorts, outcomes, assessments, or analysis specific to PTE would be scientifically justified to increase our understanding of PTE. Examples of allowable research include but are not limited to:

• Secondary analysis of epilepsy surveillance data to evaluate PTE risk
• Addition of a chronic TBI cohort in an ongoing preclinical animal study to evaluate seizure outcomes and epileptogenesis
• Recruitment/Analysis of a PTE cohort within an ongoing observational longitudinal study for a known concomitant comorbidity of PTE such as depression, cognitive deficits, sleep disorder, etc.

The proposed project should not detract from the primary aims of the parent study; rather, it should complement the study by enriching the research that may be performed. The LRA may provide support for additional expertise within research teams, funds for additional experiments or assessments, support for PTE-specific cohorts, etc. Projects that build a new research program or expand existing PTE-research efforts do not meet the intent of this funding opportunity.


  • REQUIRED Pre-application Submission Deadline:  June 5, 2024
  • Full Application Submission Deadline:  June 20, 2024
Areas of Interest

To meet the intent of the funding opportunity, applications to the FY24 ERP Leveraging Research Award (LRA) should address at least one of the Focus Areas listed below. Applications may address more than one Focus Area. An application that proposes research outside of these FY24 ERP Focus Areas is also acceptable, as long as the applicant provides a strong justification as to why the topic is critical to advance understanding of PTE and how it addresses the ERP mission.

• Markers and Mechanisms: Identifying biomarkers or mechanisms of PTE, which may include the following:
○ Predictive biomarkers of epileptogenesis (acute and chronic)
○ Research into the prevention of epilepsy and/or seizures

• Epidemiology: Epidemiological characterization of PTE following TBI, which may include the following:
○ Understanding and improving the quality of life of individuals with PTE, their families, and/or their care partners
○ Predictors of the development of epilepsy
○ Outcomes, including latency to and prevention of epilepsy, comorbidities, and mortality

• Longitudinal Studies: Studies of the evolution of PTE, which may include the following:
○ Understanding and improving the quality of life of individuals with PTE, their families, and/or their care partners
○ Treatment and health care outcomes research, including quality of care
○ Comorbidities (e.g., psychiatric disorders, cognitive/physical deficits, sleep disorders, fatigue)

• Innovative Research: Tools intended to better inform or improve upon PTE research and care, which may include the following:
○ Strategies that will improve seizure detection, characterization, visualization, or diagnosis (e.g., artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, clinical databases, devices, tissue banks)
○ Development of new models or better characterization of existing etiologically relevant models for PTE

Eligibility Requirements

The named Principal Investigator (PI) may be an investigator at any career level. An eligible PI, regardless of ethnicity, nationality, or citizenship status, must be employed by or affiliated with an eligible organization.

Amount Description

The anticipated direct costs budgeted for the entire period of performance for an FY24 ERP Leveraging Research Award should not exceed $500,000. Refer to Section II.D.5, Funding Restrictions, for detailed funding information.