LOI Deadline
Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 3/27/2024

Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) -- Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program (PRMRP) -- Clinical Trial Award

The FY24 PRMRP Clinical Trial Award supports the rapid implementation of clinical trials with the potential to have a significant impact on the treatment or management of a disease or condition addressed in one of the congressionally directed FY24 PRMRP Topic Areas and FY24 PRMRP Strategic Goals. Clinical trials may be designed to evaluate promising new products, pharmacologic agents (drugs or biologics), devices, clinical guidance, and/or emerging approaches and technologies. Proposed projects may range from small proof-of-concept trials (e.g., pilot, first in human, phase 0) to demonstrate the feasibility or inform the design of more advanced trials through large-scale phase 1 to phase 3 trials to determine efficacy in relevant patient populations.

Applications from investigators within the military Services and applications involving multidisciplinary collaborations among academia, industry, the military Services, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and other federal government agencies are highly encouraged. These relationships can leverage knowledge, infrastructure, and access to unique clinical populations that the collaborators bring to the research effort, ultimately advancing research that is of significance to Service Members, Veterans, and their Families. If the proposed research relies on access to unique resources or databases, the application must describe the access at the time of submission and include a plan for maintaining access as needed throughout the proposed research.

CDMRP encourages research on health areas and conditions that affect women uniquely, disproportionately, or differently from men, including studies analyzing sex as a biological variable. Such research should relate anticipated project findings to improvements in women's health outcomes and/or advancing knowledge for women's health.

• Required Pre-Application Deadline: May 13, 2024
• Application Submission Deadline: Aug. 19, 2024

Areas of Interest
Eligibility Requirements

Investigators at or above the level of Assistant Professor (or equivalent) may be named by the organization as the PI on the application. An investigator may be named on only one FY24 PRMRP Clinical Trial Award pre-application/application as a PI, which includes both the Clinical Trial Award with Planning Phase option and the Clinical Trial Award – Clinical Trial Only option.

Amount Description

The anticipated direct costs budgeted for the entire period of performance for an FY24 PRMRP Clinical Trial Award with Planning Phase should not exceed $500,000 for the planning phase, while the budget for the proposed clinical trial is not restricted to a predetermined cost limit.