LOI Deadline
Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 4/18/2024

Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs -- Joint Warfighter Medical Research Program -- Military Medical Research and Development Award

The U.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity (USAMRAA) is soliciting applications/proposals to the fiscal year 2024 (FY24) Joint Warfighter Medical Research Program (JWMRP) using delegated authority provided by 10 USC 4001. The Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) at the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC) is the program management agent for this funding opportunity. Congress initiated the JWMRP in 2012 to augment and accelerate high-priority Department of Defense (DOD) and Service medical requirements and to support the logical continuation of DOD-funded research and development initiatives that are close to achieving their objectives and yielding a benefit to military medicine. The ultimate goal of the program is to expedite the delivery of highly impactful and effective medical solutions to Service Members and Military Health System (MHS) beneficiaries; thus the Service advanced product development communities are critical partners in executing the JWMRP. Appropriations for the JWMRP from FY12 through FY23 totaled $595 million (M). The FY24 appropriation is $20M.

The MMRDA mechanism is intended to fund the logical continuation of previously DOD-funded research or development efforts relevant to the FY24 JWMRP Focus Areas with the highest potential to augment and accelerate medical product development and health care solutions for active-duty Service Members, their Families, Veterans, and/or the American public. Collaboration with DOD organizations is encouraged when this alliance would contribute to the success of the research effort, and any funds designated for DOD laboratories or activities should be identified in the application/proposal through submission of a “Suggested Intragovernmental/Intramural Budget Form,” Attachment 15. Applications/proposals from small businesses and/or partnerships with industry are also encouraged.

The MMRDA mechanism supports a wide range of research projects, spanning late-stage preclinical studies, late-state technology development efforts, technology demonstration, and translational research.


• Required Pre-Application Deadline: June 3, 2024
• Invitation to Submit an Application: July 2024
• Application Submission Deadline: August 29, 2024

Areas of Interest

The JWMRP Programmatic Panel identified the following Focus Areas as the highest priorities for FY24 JWMRP funding to meet critical research and development gaps and Service medical requirements. To meet the intent of the funding opportunity, applications/proposals to the FY24 JWMRP must address at least one of the Focus Areas listed below.
• Broad spectrum and/or pathogen agnostic approaches to prevent and/or treat endemic or emerging infectious diseases of high operational impact.
• Preventative capabilities to promote the Warfighter’s physiological and cognitive (1) performance and readiness and (2) injury prevention.
• Solutions for semi-autonomous or autonomous medical care from point of injury across the continuum of care, including support of triage, prolonged patient care, and transport in contested environments.
• Virtual/telehealth and decision support with artificial intelligence solutions to provide combat casualty care/prolonged care.
• Hemorrhage control and resuscitation solutions, including blood and blood products, and anti-shock therapeutics, to enable delivery of life-saving care across the continuum of care.

Eligibility Requirements

Independent investigators at all academic levels (or equivalent) are eligible to be named by the organization as the PI in the application. There are no limitations on the number of applications for which an investigator may be named as a PI. An eligible PI, regardless of ethnicity, nationality, or citizenship status, must be employed by, or affiliated with, an eligible organization.

Amount Description

The anticipated total costs budgeted for the entire period of performance for an FY24 MMRDA]should not exceed $2,000,000, or $3,400,000 for the MMRDA–CRTO. Refer to Section II.D.5, Funding Restrictions, for detailed funding information.