LOI Deadline
Posted: 4/22/2024

Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs -- Multiple Sclerosis Research Program -- Exploration-Hypothesis Development Award

The MSRP EHDA supports the initial exploration of innovative, high-risk, high-gain, and potentially groundbreaking concepts in the MS research field. The studies supported by this award mechanism are expected to lay the groundwork for future avenues of scientific investigation. The proposed research project should include a well-formulated, testable hypothesis based on strong scientific rationale and study design. The presentation of preliminary and/or published data is not required.

The proposed research project must be innovative. Innovative research may examine a novel paradigm, challenge current paradigms, look at existing problems from novel perspectives, or exhibit other highly creative qualities. Research that is an incremental advance beyond ongoing research or published data is not considered innovative and is not consistent with the intent of this award mechanism. It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator (PI) to clearly and explicitly articulate how the proposed research project is innovative in the field of MS research.

New Investigator option: The FY24 MSRP EHDA mechanism encourages applications from investigators in the early stages of their MS research career. The New Investigator option is designed to support the continued development of promising independent investigators that are early in their faculty appointments. Applications from Established Investigators and New Investigators will be peer- and programmatically reviewed in separate groups. PIs applying under the New Investigator option are encouraged to strengthen their applications through collaboration with investigators experienced in MS research and/or possess other relevant expertise as demonstrated by a record of funding and publications.


• Required Pre-Application Deadline:  June 10, 2024
• Invitation to Submit an Application: July 2024
• Application Submission Deadline:  October 7, 2024

Areas of Interest

To meet the intent of the funding opportunity, all applications submitted to the FY24 MSRP Exploration - Hypothesis Development Award (EHDA) program announcement must address one or more of the following Focus Areas:

  • Central Nervous System Repair, Protection, and Regenerative Potential in MS
  • Correlates of Disease Activity and Progression in MS
  • Biology and Measurement of MS Symptoms
  • Mechanisms Contributing to, or Associated with, MS Etiology, Prodrome, Onset, and Disease Course
Eligibility Requirements

Although a PI may be eligible for both the Established Investigator and New Investigator options, only one may be chosen at the time of pre-application submission; the choice of application option is at the PI’s discretion.

Established Investigator ○ The PI must be an independent investigator at or above the level of Assistant Professor (or equivalent).

New Investigator ○ At the application submission deadline, the PI must be an independent investigator at the level of Assistant Professor (or equivalent) and within no more than 5 years from the start of their faculty position (excluding time spent in residency, fellowship, or on family medical leave); and must not have received more than $300,000 in total direct costs for previous or concurrent MS research as a PI of one or more non-mentored, peer-reviewed grant(s) from any agency.

Amount Description

The anticipated total costs budgeted for the entire period of performance for an FY24 MSRP EHDA Award should not exceed $250,000. Refer to Section II.D.5, Funding Restrictions, for detailed funding information.

Funding Type
LOI Deadline:
Sponsor: By invitation