Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 4/18/2022

CTSI Translational Accelerator Research Funding [Restricted to Duke Faculty Only]

The Duke Clinical and Translational Science Institute (Duke CTSI) is the academic home of the National Institutes of Health’s Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) funding program. Duke CTSI accelerates translational research by resourcing discovery to preclinical research and human trials through to implementation into practice and commercialization. Duke CTSI accelerates translational research not only by providing funding, but also by promoting investigator collaboration, encouraging innovation, providing project management assistance, and providing access to resources/services in a collaborative and service-oriented fashion.

Duke CTSI is interested in the following types of translational research projects, with an emphasis on inter-disciplinary collaborations that test generalizable solutions to translational research problems:

  • Research that generates translational discoveries relevant to human health or disease, regardless of whether the context of the discovery is the laboratory, individuals, or the communities.
  • Research that applies or accelerates discovery into testing in clinical or population settings.
  • Development and/or evaluation of the evidence base that changes clinical practice.
  • Research that impacts how practice improves health policyhealth outcomes, and the health of populations.

Teams are encouraged to identify areas in the application where students or trainees may be engaged as part of the research team.

Projects must demonstrate stakeholder engagement and high translational potential for continued development to move into clinical practice, generate new clinical guidelines, or other applications via subsequent grant support, new company formation, licensing, not-for-profit partnering, an evidence base that changes practice, or other channels. Cross-disciplinary scientific research addressing the development of therapies, diagnostics or devices applicable to human disease, clinical research/trials (excluding Phase 2 or beyond), epidemiological studies, and/or community-based research are eligible for these awards. Proposals from teams of investigators from different disciplines are encouraged.


  • Letter of Intent (Optional): January 21, 2022
  • Application Submission Deadline: February 21, 2022
Eligibility Requirements
  • Applicants must have principal investigator status per Duke’s written policy.
  • Researchers holding an adjunct appointment are not eligible to apply.
  • Non-Duke faculty may be named as co-investigators if they have a separate aim that will be funded by their local CTSA or other funding sources.
  • Previously submitted proposals to this funding mechanism not previously selected for funding may be resubmitted as a revised application. See Section VII. Application procedure for more details.
  • More than one proposal may be submitted per faculty member acting as PI, but the faculty member is only eligible to receive one award from this funding mechanism as PI during a given funding cycle.
  • Faculty members may not serve as PI concurrently on the Transformative and Translational Duke CTSI awards.
Amount Description

The Duke CTSI Translational Accelerator Research Funding Agreement provides up to $125,000 (direct costs only) to support novel translational research that applies or accelerates discovery into testing in clinical or population settings.

Funding Type