Posted: 4/18/2022

Dear Colleague Letter: Reproducibility and Robustness of Results

May 18, 2016

Dear Colleagues:

The Geosciences Directorate (GEO) of the National Science Foundation funds a wide range of activities to promote the progress of its science. Intrinsic to our mission is the responsibility to ensure the reliability, reproducibility, and robustness of research and its associated scientific outcomes.

This Dear Colleague Letter is to reaffirm that we continue to welcome proposals related to enhancing the validity of the data and outcomes of research in all GEO programs. Examples of community approaches include: 1) formal and informal intercomparisons of analytical techniques, instrumentation, and numerical models, 2) assessment and development of best practices, and 3) implementation of new data management policies and investments in cyberinfrastructure to make metadata and data available for critical examination and use throughout the scientific community. GEO also recognizes that educational activities that develop and promote scientific ethics, critical thinking and best practices in scientific research are also central to the continuous improvement of science and can be considered in the context of broader impacts.


Roger M. Wakimoto
Assistant Director
Directorate for Geosciences
National Science Foundation

Funding Type
Sponsor: Rolling