Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 3/20/2024

Defense Production Act Title III Expansion of Domestic Production Capability and Capacity

This announcement is to solicit production technology project proposals for the Defense Production Act (DPA) Title III Program managed by the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) (https://www.businessdefense.gov/Programs/DPATitle-III/) and executed by the Department of Defense (DoD) Executive Agent Program Office, a component of the Manufacturing & Industrial Technologies Division (AFRL/RXM) of the Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory. As the Executive Agent for DoD’s DPA Title III Program, the Air Force is responsible for executing Title III projects on behalf of the DoD.

The DPA Title III Program has derived three broad Topic Areas for potential projects. The Topic Areas are 1) Sustainment of Critical Production, 2) Commercialization of Research and Development Investments and 3) Scaling of Emerging Technologies. Each Call will contain a more descriptive summary as well as a Statement of Objectives (SOO) for that particular project. White paper submissions as part of the Open Portion of this FOA must identify which Topic Area(s) the white paper is technically scoped within

The FOA is open and effective until 12 July 2024. White papers will be considered if received prior to 1500 EST on 12 July 2024. Only white papers are requested at this time.  

Areas of Interest

Consistent with the law, the DPA Title III Program has derived three broad Focus Areas for potential projects. The Focus Areas are: Sustainment of Critical Production, Commercialization of Research and Development Investments and Scaling of Emerging Technologies. Each of the Focus Areas is expanded on below:

1. Sustainment of Critical Production: Programs addressing Industrial Base capability and capacity, whose primary focus is generating and sustaining Materiel Availability, Reliability, Maintainability, Mobility, Commonality, or Affordability.

2. Commercialization of Research and Development Investments: Advanced Component or System Development and Demonstration capabilities may require investments to retain a qualitative edge in capabilities and establish commercial viability or scale up. Typical programs may begin with a technology proven capable of producing prototype components or systems in a production relevant environment.

3. Scaling of Emerging Technologies: Emerging Technology investments enable the rapid and affordable introduction of new capabilities into the organic or commercial marketplace. The technologies may be developed to respond to an emerging threat, a capability gap, or may enhance interoperability or service of existing systems or platforms. The interest in these projects may be the result of revolutionary RD&D capabilities. 

Throughout the life of this BAA, individual projects will be called for via Project Announcements under one or more of the above Focus Areas. 


CALL 012 - Critical Chemicals Production

PROPOSAL DUE DATE AND TIME: 09 March 2023, no later than 12:00 PM Wright-Patterson AFB, OH local time.


Funding Type