The PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship in Drug Delivery provides support for promising students (U.S. and non-U.S. citizens) in advanced stages of training and thesis research in drug delivery research, including basic pharmaceutics, biopharmaceutics, pharmaceutical technology, pharmaceutical biotechnology, or biomedical engineering.
Deadline for Letter of Intent: May 1, 2024
Eligibility Requirements
- Applicants (U.S. and non-U.S. citizens) must attend an accredited U.S. university as full-time, in-residence students.
- Individuals just beginning graduate school should not apply. Applicants will have completed most of their pre-thesis requirements (at least two years of coursework) and be engaged in thesis research as PhD candidates by the time the award is activated. Award activation can begin as early as January 1, 2025, or as late as August 1, 2025.
- Applicants should expect to complete their PhD requirements in two years or less from the time funding begins. The thesis advisor’s letter of support must verify the applicant’s doctoral candidacy.
- Applicants who expect to complete their PhD before December 31, 2025, are not eligible.
- Applicants enrolled in MD/PhD programs should not be engaged in required clinical coursework or clerkships while the fellowship is active. Fellows are expected to devote full time (including summers) to their research.
- Predoctoral fellowships should not be seen as a way to fund the principal investigator’s currently funded research project.
- The Foundation will not consider multiple applications for similar efforts on the same project. For instance, if a predoc, postdoc, and faculty member from the same lab are all submitting applications for proposed efforts on the same project, the efforts must be separate activities and not duplicative.
Amount Description
Funding: $30,000 per year in stipend support for up to 2 years