Posted: 4/18/2022

Duke Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) -- Duke CTSI Population Health Improvement Collaboration Seed Awards

Duke Clinical Translational Science Institute (CTSI), Duke’s home of the National Institutes of Health’s Clinical and Translational Science Award, will provide small planning awards of $1,500 to community organizations and Duke investigators interested in working with the CTSI’s Community Engaged Research Initaitve (CeRi) for guidance on developing impactful community-research partnerships and planning collaborative population health improvement research proposals that impact community and population health.

All proposals must meet eligibility requirements and satisfy proposal guidelines. The Collaboration Seed Award will accept proposals on a rolling basis with awardee(s) selected on a quarterly basis. Project funds of up to $1,500 will be awarded for a 12 month period.

Full RFA


Application Deadline – Open / Rolling

Areas of Interest

Priority will be given to proposals that foster community-research partnerships addressing the following:

  • Projects and ideas that show promise and innovation.
  • Research that references the Durham Neighborhood Compass.
  • Health care priorities identified in the community through community level assessments such as the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute’s Town Halls on Health Outcomes that Matter, Partnership for a Healthy Durham, and the Durham County Community Health Assessment.
  • Proposals that focus on an area of disparity including diabetes, asthma, cardiovascular disease/hypertension, mental health, cancer, obesity, dementia, and kidney disease.
  • Proposals that highlight opportunities to gather data and identify key outcomes
Eligibility Requirements
  • Proposed projects must involve a lead investigator from Duke and one or more community partners. More than one proposal may be submitted, but the faculty member is only eligible to receive one award as Lead Investigator during a given funding cycle.
  • Nonprofits with & without 501(c)(3) IRS Status (Other than Institutions of Higher Education)
  • Community organizations (especially those with a focus on public health, social services, caregiving, and patient advocacy) and Members of practiced-based research networks
  • Eligible agencies of the federal, state, and local government
  • Permanent, full-time, Duke Faculty, including professional and non-tenure track.