Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 8/4/2023

Duke Pepper Center Research Career Development Award Request for Applications

The Duke Pepper Older Americans Independence Center (OAIC) (NIA P30 AG028716-01)aims to promote research career development in aging research through its Core resources. Thecentral theme of our OIAC is to understand and enhance reserve and resilience to promoterecovery from stressors in late life. The three Research Cores include:

  • Analysis Core, which provides statistical and technical support for projects as well asfurthering statistical and analytical science.
  • Molecular Measures Core, which provides comprehensive biomarkers phenotyping tocharacterize biochemical, metabolic and genetic bases for aging research.
  • Health & Mobility Measures Core, which provides expertise, devices, equipment andprotocols for functional, physical and psychological measures.

The goal of the Pepper Research Education Component (REC) is to promote the development of future research leaders who are conducting basic, translational, or clinical research within the focus area of physical reserve and resilience. The REC will award up to 3 career development awards, of 2-year duration, with funding beginning July 1, 2024. The award can coversalary, project support, and research career development activities. REC scholars are supported by the Pepper Center Research Cores listed above, and meet regularly with a mentorship team including Pepper Center Investigators. At the conclusion of the award, REC scholars are expected to pursue external funding in their research area.

Letter of Interest (LOI) and Principal Investigator NIH Biosketch due Sept. 11, 2023

Link fo full RFA: https://duke.box.com/s/dqdq5mr7df9bewrln3ogncfthbx20no3

Areas of Interest

The candidate’s research focus can be basic, translational, epidemiological, or clinical so long as it supports the Pepper Center theme. Research that bridges basic science and clinical areas or has the potential to lead to intervention is of particular interest, and research related to health equity is also encouraged. Research should utilize one or more of the Pepper Center cores, see descriptions here https://sites.duke.edu/centerforaging/claude-d-pepper-older-americans-independence-center/cores/

Eligibility Requirements

Eligible Candidates/Scholars: Candidates should be within 5 years of their first faculty appointment or an advanced fellow/postdoctoral student with clear plans for transition to faculty status by July, 2024. Only U.S. citizens or non-citizen nationals, or an individual lawfully admitted for permanentresidence who possesses an Alien Registration Receipt Card (I-151 or I-551), or some other verification of legal admission as a permanent resident prior to appointment, are eligible due to NIH regulations. Individuals on temporary or student visas are not eligible. Candidates must be able to commit a minimum of 6 calendar months of full-time professional effort for career development and research activities.

Amount Description

Funds should be budgeted to support professional effort, project expenses, and professional development activities. Applicants do not need to budget for a full 6 calendar months of effort on their REC award, but must be able to show that they have other sources of funding to (e.g., GEMSSTAR, fellowships, foundation awards) that will protect at least 50% of their time for research.

•The Pepper REC Award will provide $45,000 per year in direct funding

•Applicants in the Department of Medicine will receive additional $20,000 matching funds. Applicants in other Departments should also request matching funds from their Chairs.

•The total budget will therefore be either $45,000 or $65,000, depending on whether matching funds are provided by the applicant’s Department