The NASA Earth Science Division (ESD) solicits proposals that support communities in building their resilience to climate impacts through the application of NASA Earth observations. The focus of proposals must be on informing decisions that enhance community-level resilience to episodic and chronic climate stressors. Projects may be up to 3 years, and it is anticipated that 7-9 awards will be made with a total yearly budget of $2M.
This call for proposals aims to increase the use of NASA Earth observations to support community resilience, expand the communities of practice who use NASA Earth observations to develop climate-informed community resilience decisions, demonstrate the value of using NASA Earth observations to prepare for and respond to climate change, and inform NASA’s future strategic engagement and activities on climate resilience.
Proposals must engage communities in advancing climate-informed decisions that enhance their resilience to the impacts of climate change and involve organizations that assist in knowledge sharing between scientists and decision makers.
- NOIs Due: Feb. 23, 2024
- Proposals Due: May 3, 2024
This solicitation calls for proposals that support communities in building their resilience to climate change by utilizing NASA Earth observations. To achieve this objective in a scalable way, proposals must involve organizations that assist in knowledge sharing between scientists and decision makers, have established relationships within communities, and have experience working with communities to build climate resilience. These organizations are called boundary organizations. Through this approach, NASA seeks to enhance the capacity of communities and boundary organizations to utilize NASA Earth observations. Proposals must include communities as equal partners in the development of climate-informed actions that enhance community-level resilience to episodic and chronic climate stressors. Key objectives include:
• Advance the capacity of communities and boundary organizations to utilize NASA Earth observations to enhance community-level climate resilience
• Advance access to and integration of NASA Earth observations in community decision making related to climate resilience
• Advance local solutions that are transferable, scalable, contribute to climate knowledge, and inform climate action
• Enable communities to achieve their resilience goals beyond the project’s completion