The NASA Earth Science Division (ESD) has a long history of executing research, applications, and technology development in support of wildland fire science, management, and mitigation. Wildland fire management solutions is a major theme within NASA’s Earth Science to Action strategy (ES2A) which is uniting diverse expertise from across NASA in an integrated approach to address the current wildland fire crisis in both the United States and globally.
This program element is seeking proposals for innovative solutions that leverage Earth observations to support some aspect of wildland fire management and related decision making in a sustained manner. Proposals submitted to this program element may address activities within individual phases of the fire life cycle (pre-, active, or post-fire) or span multiple phases. Projects should be focused on and framed around problems and challenges faced by one or more of the partners (described in Section 2 below). Overall, the set of relevant topics is purposely broad to allow projects across a range of fire-related challenges, with an emphasis on projects that focus on techniques that enhance ecosystem and community resilience to fire, as well as those that enable or promote the use of beneficial fire. Although disaster management and fire suppression operations are not the primary focus of this call, compelling proposals in these areas may be considered.
- Notice of Intent: April 8, 2024
- Proposal: May 24, 2024