Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 3/22/2022

Earth Science Applications: Agriculture (ROSES 2022)

The NASA Earth Science Division (ESD) solicits proposals to develop, implement, and manage a program of activities to advance Earth science applications with U.S. domestic agriculture. Earth science applications refers to the use of Earth science information to inform decision making and support actions of organizations for policy, business, and management activities. This definition is consistent with the 2018 Earth Decadal Survey (p.169); https://www.nap.edu/catalog/24938/. The ESD Applied Sciences Program (hereinafter called ASP) manages an Agriculture applications area and this call for proposals. 

The primary objective of the Agriculture applications area is to enable and advance the adoption of uses of Earth science information by domestic and international organizations to benefit agriculture and related food security challenges. This application area includes application development, user characterization and engagement, innovative communications work, and socioeconomic impact analyses as part of the activities. 

With this program element, ASP is calling for proposals that address and enhance U.S. domestic agriculture only. International and global agriculture applied research are addressed by on-going activities under the NASA Harvest Consortium (https://nasaharvest.org/) and other ASP Agriculture activities. ASP strongly encourages that proposals to this program element involve a multisectoral, transdisciplinary team of organizations as a consortium1 with a strong program management approach, plan, and capabilities to achieve the objectives. A cooperative agreement funding vehicle is planned for the selected proposal.


  • Notice of Intent: April 8, 2022
  • Proposals: June 17, 2022
Funding Type