Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 9/21/2023

Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms (ECOHAB) Program

The purpose of this document is to advise the public that NOAA/NOS/National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS)/Competitive Research Program (CRP) [formerly Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research (CSCOR)/Coastal Ocean Program (COP)] is soliciting proposals for the Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms (ECOHAB) program. Funding is contingent upon the availability of Fiscal Year 2024 Federal appropriations. It is anticipated that projects funded under this announcement will have a September 1, 2024 start date. An informational webinar on this solicitation will be offered within approximately two weeks from the publication date of the NOFO. Information regarding this announcement, including webinars and additional background information, is available on the NCCOS funding opportunities website (https://coastalscience.noaa.gov/about/fundingopportunities/).

The Competitive Research Program (CRP), part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS), supports the development of actionable information and tools that improve how the nation protects, manages, and conserves ocean and coastal ecosystems. NCCOS/CRP funds regional-scale and targeted research through a competitive, peer-reviewed process to address our Nation’s most pressing issues including harmful algal blooms and hypoxia research as authorized under the Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act, coastal resiliency, sea-level rise, ocean acidification, mesophotic coral ecosystems, and effective ecosystembased management.

Research supported by NCCOS/CRP seeks to produce actionable information and userdriven products that will enable resource managers to assess management and policy strategies, as well as increase scientific understanding on issues threatening ecosystems and communities. To accomplish this, NCCOS/CRP emphasizes a collaborative research process that involves resource managers, planners, policymakers, and impacted communities as research project partners or advisors. To ensure useful results, NCCOS/CRP requires articulation of outcomes that benefit management in proposals and recipients must report progress toward achieving outcome-based goals annually (see Section IV.B.).


  • Required Letters of Intent: Oct. 18, 2023
  • Full Proposals: Jan. 31, 2024
Eligibility Requirements

Eligible applicants for Federal financial assistance in this competition are U.S. institutions of higher education, other non-profits, state, local, Indian Tribal government entities, U.S. Territories, U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands institutions, and for-profit organizations. Federal agencies that possess the statutory authority to receive transfers of funds are eligible to submit applications for intra- or inter- agency funds transfers through this competition. Department of Commerce (DOC)/NOAA supports cultural and gender diversity and encourages women and minority individuals and groups to submit applications to its programs. In addition, DOC/NOAA is strongly committed to broadening the participation of historically black colleges and universities, Hispanic serving institutions, tribal colleges and universities, and institutions that work in underserved areas. DOC/NOAA encourages applications involving any of the above institutions to apply.

Amount Description

It is anticipated that up to approximately $3,000,000 may be available in Fiscal Year 2024 for the first year for all ECOHAB projects combined. If funds become available for this program, approximately 3 to 6 projects are expected to be funded at the level of $200,000 to $1,000,000 per year per proposal, including ship time costs. Targeted projects should range from $200,000 to $500,000 and are not expected to exceed 3 years in duration. Regional or cross-regional projects should range from $500,000 to $1,000,000 per year per proposal and are not expected to exceed 5 years in duration. NCCOS/CRP may reject any proposals submitted with an annual budget that is greater than $1,000,000 for any year.

Funding Type