Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 4/18/2022

Economic Recovery and Development Activity (ERDA) -- Pakistan USAID-Islamabad

USAID’s Economic Recovery and Development Activity (ERDA) is a $24 million, five-year (2021-2026) activity designed to expand environmentally sustainable, socially equitable and climate resilient economic opportunities in the Newly Merged Districts (NMDs) of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province by strengthening and modernizing the agriculture sector and promoting on and off farm micro- and small enterprises (MSEs). ERDA supports USAID/Pakistan’s Country Development and Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) (2018-2023) Development Objective 1 (DO 1), “Expanded Writ of Government Along AF/PAK Border”, through Intermediate Result (IR) 1.3, “Economic Opportunities Expanded”. ERDA is directly linked and will contribute to Development Objective (DO) 3, “Increased Private Sector-Led Inclusive Economic Growth”.

The activity will promote sustainable economic growth by improving agriculture sector capacity and supporting allied MSMEs in the non-agriculture sectors. Additionally, the activity will leverage planned public sector development initiatives and will support policy reforms to create an enabling environment for private sector investments in high economic-growth potential sectors, like mines, trade, transport, health and education. The ERDA will directly contribute to and complement the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s (GoKP) planned economic growth investments under the Tribal Decade Strategy (TDS)1 Pillar III “Expanding Economic Infrastructure and Pillar IV “Enhancing Economic Opportunities”. The activity will provide targeted technical assistance to the GoKP to maximize the impact of planned public sector economic growth initiatives in the NMDs and, in doing so, build a foundation for sustainable economic growth in the region.

Deadline: Aug. 23,  2021

Funding Type