Posted: 4/18/2022

Education Programs in Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences

AGS Education supports efforts to integrate atmospheric and geospace research and education via two main program areas, which are:

1) Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site Program. This program provides funding to Universities and Research Laboratories that allows them to offer summer internships to undergraduate students who would like to participate in atmospheric and/or geospace research efforts. Proposals may be submitted annually (August deadline).

2)  AGS Postdoctoral Fellowships: AGS awards 2-year Postdoctoral Fellowships to highly qualified investigators within 3 years of obtaining their PhD to carry out an integrated program of independent research and education. While the postdoc program is funded by core programs, the AGS Education program supports the cost of professional development for the fellows.

Additionally this program will support efforts related to education of undergraduate and graduate students and postdocs within the Atmospheric and Geospace communities, as well as diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging efforts for the Atmospheric and Geospace communities. Proposals to the AGS Education program are accepted by invitation only. Please contact the education program director if you intend to submit a proposal to this program.


Full Proposal Accepted Anytime