Posted: 4/18/2022

Emergent Ventures -- Fast Funding for COVID-19 Science

Science funding mechanisms are too slow in normal times and may be much too slow during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fast Grants are an effort to correct this.

If you are a scientist at an academic institution currently working on a COVID-19 related project and in need of funding, we invite you to apply for a Fast Grant. Fast Grants are $10k to $500k and decisions are made in under 14 days. If we approve the grant, you'll receive payment as quickly as your university can receive it.

For our first call, which launched on April 7, we committed to making decisions within 48 hours. We made more than 130 grants on this clock cycle. Several months later, many of the obvious projects are now underway, and the science has advanced to the point that deeper analysis of submissions will often prove valuable. For our second call, which launched on July 12, we will always respond to submissions within 14 days (which remains faster than almost all other funding mechanisms), and we retain the flexibility to make immediate approvals where necessary.

Eligibility Requirements

You must be:

  • A PI at an academic institution;
  • Already working on a project that could help with the COVID-19 pandemic within the next six months;
  • In need of additional funding to complete the project.

Researchers outside the US are eligible for funding.

Duke researchers should contact ORS/ORA before applying.