This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) encourages research grant applications directed toward developing next-generation human cell-derived microphysiological systems (MPS) and related assays that replicate complex nervous system architectures and physiology with improved fidelity over current capabilities. Supported projects will be expected to enable future studies of complex nervous system development, function, and aging in healthy and disease states.
This NOFO is intended to encourage the further development of projects with feasibility support for the line of investigation. Applicants proposing exploratory research at the early and conceptual stages of project development may instead wish to apply to the companion R21 NOFO, PAR-25-199.
- R01 Due Dates: Feb. 5, Jun. 5, Oct. 5
- R21 Due Dates: Feb. 16, Jun. 16, Oct. 16
- AIDS Due Dates: Jan. 7, May 7, Sep. 7
PAR-25-198 Expiration January 08, 2026