Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 6/12/2023

ERDC -- Civil Works Research and Development (R&D) Collider

This notice is for a Civil Works Research and Development (R&D) Tech Challenge - Collider. This multi-topic tech challenge is centered around basic and applied and commercial solution individual program requirements. The USACE and its Civil Works mission areas of commercial navigation, flood and coastal storm risk management, and aquatic ecosystem restoration will play an essential role in energizing the US economy as we recover from recent crises and prepare for the future challenges facing our Nation. Investments in Civil Works are critical in generating near- and long-term benefits for securing our communities, supporting, and growing our economy, creating jobs, and enhancing broader societal impacts such as improved public health, National security, recreation, and tourism.

Deadline: June 26, 2023

Areas of Interest
  • Non-Destructive Evaluation and Geophysics Tools (CW-01)

  • In-Situ Robotic Repair and Rehabilitation Technology (CW-02)

  • Sustainable Construction and Repair Materials (CW-03)

  • Mitigation of Overtopping Damage in Geotechnical Projects (CW-04)

  • Coastal and Inland Compound Flooding (CW-05)

  • Geophysical Computational Modeling (CW-06)

  • Computational Fluid Dynamics/Fluid Structure Interaction (CFD/FSI) Modeling (CW-07)

Funding Type