The Fluid Dynamics program is part of the Transport Phenomena cluster, which also includes 1) the Combustion and Fire Systems program; 2) the Particulate and Multiphase Processes program; and 3) the Thermal Transport Processes program.
The Fluid Dynamics program supports fundamental research toward gaining an understanding of the physics of various fluid dynamics phenomena. Proposed research should contribute to basic scientific understanding using and/or creating innovative experimental, theoretical, and/or computational methods.
Full Proposal Accepted Anytime
Major areas of interest and activity in the program include:
· Turbulence and transition: High Reynolds number experiments; large eddy simulation; direct numerical simulation; transition to turbulence; 3-D boundary layers; separated flows; flow control; and drag reduction. High-speed boundary-layer transition and turbulence at Mach numbers greater than 5 to understand modal and/or non-modal interactions leading to boundary layer transition and the ensuing developing and fully developed turbulent boundary layer flows.
· Bio-fluid physics: Bio-inspired flows; biological flows with emphasis on flow physics.
· Non-Newtonian fluid mechanics: Viscoelastic flows; solutions of macro-molecules.
· Microfluidics and nanofluidics: Micro-and nano-scale flow physics.
· Wind and ocean energy harvesting: Focused on fundamental fluid dynamics associated with renewal energy systems or concepts.
· Fluid-structure interactions (FSI): Two-way coupled FSI applications across the low- to high-Reynolds number range are of interest to NSF. In addition, NSF-AFOSR (Air Force Office of Scientific Research) joint funding area is focused on theory, modeling and/or experiments for hypersonic applications. Proposals will be jointly reviewed by NSF and AFOSR using the NSF panel format. Actual funding format and agency split for an award will be determined after the proposal selection process. AFOSR participates in this initiative through the Aerothermodynamics program (program officer Dr. Sarah Popkin).
· Canonical configurations: Experimental research is encouraged to develop spatiotemporally resolved databases for canonical configurations to either reaffirm historical theories/results or to provide data in an unexplored parameter region. Fidelity and completeness for theoretical/computational validation are key attributes of the proposed experimental data.
· Artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning: Innovative AI ideas related to the use of machine learning and other AI approaches in fluid dynamics research are encouraged to model and control the flows. Verifying new models with canonical configurations, when appropriate, is encouraged for submission to the Computational and Data-Enabled Science & Engineering (CDS&E 8084) program.
· Instrumentation and Flow Diagnostics: Instrument development for time-space resolved measurements; shear stress sensors; novel flow imaging; velocimetry; etc.
NOTE: Proposals that use fluid flows as a boundary input condition or a driving force in a problem do not fit within the scope of this program. Proposals focused on particulates (including droplets) two-way coupled with fluids, colloids, and multiphase rheology and processes should be directed to the Particulate and Multiphase Processes program (CBET PD-1415). Proposals dealing mainly with materials synthesis, processing and characterization may be more suitable for the Advanced Manufacturing program in the Division of Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation (ENG/CMMI) or programs in the Division of Materials Research (MPS/DMR). Proposals focused on biological systems may be more suitable for Physiological and Structural Systems in the Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (BIO/IOS).