Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 7/30/2024

FY 2024 Good Jobs Challenge

Subject to the availability of funds, EDA will support regional workforce training systems in designing and implementing activities for established sectoral partnerships that meet the existing and emerging skills needs of employers and that train and place program participants into good jobs. These systems will help to grow regional economies and their associated workforces and must advance technology-based industries that fortify the economic and national security of the United States.

EDA will support sectoral partnerships that train and place workers in good jobs and advance industries in key technologies that fortify the economic and national security of the United States and advance the competitiveness of the applicant’s region. To satisfy that objective, EDA anticipates making approximately 5-8 awards to backbone organizations totaling up to $25 million for training design and implementation. These awards will range from $1 million to $8 million. To compete for these awards, this NOFO requires applicants to propose sectoral partnerships that advance a key technology focus area (KTFA). Sectoral partnerships affiliated with a Tech Hub designee will be given benefits of that designation in this NOFO in both the merit evaluation of applications and as a selection factor. Further, awards from this NOFO will prioritize sectoral partnerships that include worker voice in design and execution through partnerships with labor unions or worker-serving organizations, and will prioritize aiding workers in fields impacted by changes in technology, and supporting their transition into good jobs.

Deadline: Sep. 27, 2024

Eligibility Requirements

Pursuant to section 3(4) of PWEDA (42 U.S.C. § 3122(4)(A)) and 13 C.F.R. § 300.3 (Eligible Recipient), eligible applicants under this NOFO include a(n): (i) District Organization of an EDA-designated Economic Development District (EDD); (ii) Indian Tribe or a consortium of Indian Tribes; (iii) State, county, city, or other political subdivision of a State, including a special purpose unit of a State or local government engaged in economic or infrastructure development activities, or a consortium of political subdivisions; (iv) institution of higher education or a consortium of institutions of higher education; or (v) public or private non-profit organization or association, including labor unions, acting in cooperation with officials of a general purpose political subdivision of a State. Individuals and for-profit entities are not eligible for funding under this NOFO.

Amount Description

EDA anticipates making approximately 5 to 8 awards ranging from $1 million to $8 million under this FY 2024 Good Jobs Challenge NOFO. EDA will scale awards as appropriate to the proposed geographic, industry, and worker role coverage of a given regional system.