Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 11/17/2022

Global Hemophilia Grant Patient Education

This grant program seeks to champion patient learning and address both educational equity & quality amongst people living with hemophilia (PLwH) to support them in making evidence-informed decisions in a rapidly evolving treatment landscape.

This competitive grant program is open to Patient Advocacy Groups (PAGs) and non-profit organizations - of all sizes and in all countries - that provide education to PLwH. Submissions from applicants in low-, middle-, and high-income countries will be given equal consideration.

As part of Pfizer’s long-established interest in health promotion strategies, the Global Hemophilia Grant - Equity in Therapeutic Patient Education encourages Patient Advocacy Groups (PAGs) to identify and overcome barriers to learning for PLwH. Through this grant program, it is expected one component of the proposed project will address the cultural, socio-economic, geographic location and/or linguistic barriers and any other factors contributing to PLwH’s limited access to novel treatment information and understanding of their clinical needs and role in the decision-making process.

Cross-sector partnership between PAGs and clinical and/or academic teams are encouraged (e.g. to conduct needs assessment or develop tools, resources and programs) in order to provide optimal guidance and assistance to less activated and underrepresented PLwH, as they encounter scenarios that may impede their access to information on the best possible treatment to fit their clinical and lifestyle goals.  

Deadline: Feb. 16, 2023

Eligibility Requirements

Geographic Scope • Global: Organizations across the globe are eligible to apply for this grant. 

Eligible applicants include PAGs or other non-profit organizations that currently provide or seek to provide therapeutic education to PLwH.  Organizations of all sizes and in all countries are encouraged to apply. Accepted proposals from applicants in low-, middle- and high-income countries will be given equal consideration.  

Amount Description

Proposals requesting between USD $2,500-$25,000 for 12-18 months will be considered. 

Funding Type