Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 4/16/2024

Grant Program

Shaffer Grants for Innovative Glaucoma Research are $55,000, one-year grants awarded ​to scientists and clinicians to fund projects that support new high-impact clinical, epidemiological and laboratory research based on our strategic research goals.

Researchers interested in applying for a Shaffer Grant must first submit a Preliminary Proposal for consideration.

Preliminary Proposals are accepted annually from June 1 to July 15.


Areas of Interest

There are now two focus areas for Shaffer Grants, one for the physiology of glaucoma and a second to advance the genetics of glaucoma.

1. The Physiology of Glaucoma which may include projects to:

  • Protect and restore the optic nerve.
  • Accurately detect glaucoma and monitor its progress.
  • Provide better understanding and treatment for congenital/juvenile glaucoma.
  • Understand the intraocular pressure system and develop better treatments.
  • Determine the risk factors for glaucoma damage using systematic outcomes data.

2. The Genetics of Glaucoma (Funded through the Zander Family Research Fund) which may include projects to:

  • Identify the genes that cause glaucoma.
  • Explore new approaches to gene therapy to preserve or restore vision.
Eligibility Requirements

Grant applicants must possess a graduate degree, not have received a Shaffer Grant within the prior three years, and agree to acknowledge Glaucoma Research Foundation in papers and abstracts resulting from Glaucoma Research Foundation funded research.

Funding Type
Topic areas