The Sociological Initiatives Foundation supports social change by linking research to social action. It funds research projects that investigate laws, policies, institutions, regulations, and normative practices that may limit equality in the U.S. It gives priority to projects that seek to address racism, xenophobia, classism, gender bias, exploitation, or the violation of human rights and freedoms. It also supports research that furthers language learning and behavior and its intersection with social and policy questions.
The Foundation supports research that focuses on improving services and systems and increasing positive social and physical conditions through:
- Policy development
- Placement and shaping of the policy agenda
- Policy adoption or implementation
- Policy blocking
- Increasing advocacy capacity and political influence
- Shaping public sentiment
- Addressing challenges related to language and literacy
Language issues include literacy, language loss and maintenance, language policy, language and national security, bilingualism, language and gender, language and law, language disabilities, language and health, language and education, different language cultures, and second language acquisition.
In the context of social and racial inequality dating back centuries, the Foundation supports projects that address institutional rather than individual or behavioral change. It seeks to fund research and initiatives that provide insight into sociological and linguistic issues that can help specific groups and or communities expand opportunities and challenge injustices.
Grant sizes normally range from $15 to $20,000. We look for projects that have an explicit research design and a concrete connection to public or community impact. It is not enough to just write a report or add a focus group to a social change project. The research should build an organization or constituency’s potential to expand public knowledge, impact policy, and create social change.
- The Round 1. concept proposal deadlines have been extended to March 1st.
- The Round 2. concept proposal deadline is August 15th.
- Full proposals are invited in June and October
- Grants are disbursed in August and January.
Some examples of desired applicants are:
- community-led academic partnerships
- advocacy or community groups that conduct research that can withstand challenge in academic and policy arenas
- academics allied with a constituency through their research