This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is designed to support interdisciplinary research teams of multiple PDs/PIs to investigate the mechanism of action of pain relief by medical devices with the overall goal of optimizing therapeutic outcomes for FDA-approved or -cleared technologies. Teams must leverage appropriate multi-disciplinary expertise to develop new principles and methods for experimentation, analysis, and interpretation. Teams are encouraged to consider objectives that will produce major advances in the understanding of pain relief by medical devices.
Letter of Intent Due Date(s): 30 days prior to the application due date
Application Due Date: June 13, 2023; June 10, 2024; June 9, 2025
RFA-NS-23-028 Expiration Date June 10, 2025
The application is required to be submitted as a multiple PD/PI application with a minimum of 3 PDs/PIs, all of whom must have an appointment at a domestic institution. Scientists employed solely by foreign institutions may not serve as one of the PD(s)/PIs of the multiple PD/PI team, although they may be included in the application as collaborators/co-investigators, consultants or other significant contributors. Visit the multiple PD/PI Policy and submission details in the Senior/Key Person Profile (Expanded) Component of the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide, and the Grant Policy Statement on Multiple Principal Investigators. Minimum allowed efforts by the PDs/PIs are described in the R&R Budget instructions in Part 2. Section IV.2.
Application budgets are not limited, but should be consistent with the number of PDs/PIs and the complexity and needs of the proposed program. Application budgets should rarely exceed $1,500,000 direct costs per year. Annual inflationary increases are not allowed. Applications may request up to five years of support.