Internal Deadline
Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 3/5/2024

Health Equity Research Network on Community-Driven Research Approaches

There are two (2) funding opportunities through this unique award mechanism; an individual may apply for only one of these opportunities:

  1. Health Equity Research Network (HERN) on Community-Driven Research Approaches – Partner Hub
    Required pre-proposals due by Tuesday, March 26, 2024

    The key outcome of this HERN is the establishment of new models for community-driven research that can be scaled and used as a foundation for shifting norms, paradigms and practices within all domains of health research. Each Partner Hub must have two research projects and be represented by a community-based organization and an academic institution. The collaborations between and among the Partner Hubs build momentum around both systems change and knowledge of a particular issue, making it an ideal mechanism to meet the interrelated objectives.  
  2. Health Equity Research Network on Community-Driven Research Approaches – Community Engagement Resource Center
    Required pre-proposals due by Thursday, March 28, 2024
    The Community Engagement Resource Center (CERC) will, under leadership of the Director, incorporate a multidisciplinary approach to provide capacity building, training, evaluation, and the management of a Community of Practice for the full Network. The CERC will facilitate engagement across the Partner Hubs and service as a coordinating center, facilitating capacity building, study optimization, communication, evaluation, and a Community of Practice. 

This funding mechanism will establish a collaborative, multi-center network with a specific focus on innovative methodological approaches for community-driven research and developing new scalable models for doing research differently, with greater shared authority with CBOs. The Network will create, implement, and make available to the broader scientific community a body of evidence- driven approaches that will support academic and community-based partners in working as equal partners to conduct research that meets the needs of the local community.  Specific deliverables will include a “playbook” of best practices for community-driven research and a compendium of published materials and key outcomes.  In addition, through opportunities provided to the program the training of trainees, this mechanism will help to develop the next generation of researchers and CBO staff who are experienced in working collaboratively to promote the health and well-being of all individuals in their communities.

An institution may submit only one Partner Hub (and related Projects) proposal or one Community Engagement Resource Center proposal. 

The internal deadline has passed and Duke’s applicant for this cycle has already been identified.


Eligibility Requirements

AHA awards are limited to U.S.-based non-profit institutions, including medical, osteopathic and dental schools, veterinary schools, schools of public health, pharmacy schools, nursing schools, universities and colleges, public and voluntary hospitals and others that can demonstrate the ability to conduct the proposed research. Submissions will not be accepted for work with funding to be administered through any federal institution or work to be performed by a federal employee, except for Veterans Administrations employees.