Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 2/14/2022

Heliophysics Theory, Modeling, and Simulations (ROSES 2022)

The Heliophysics  Theory,  Modeling,  Simulations  (H-TMS)  program  is  a component  of the Heliophysics  Research Program.  Proposers  interested in  this  program  element  are encouraged to see the  overview  of  the  Heliophysics  Research Program  in  Appendix  B.1 of  this  ROSES  NRA. 

The  H-TMS  program  was  previously  one element  of  the Heliophysics  Grand Challenges Research (H-GCR) program  (H-GCR-TMS,  last  competed in ROSES-2016  as  program element  B.5).  Before that  it  was  called  "Heliophysics  Theory  Program"  (HTP,  last competed in ROSES-2013).  For  simplification,  this  program  is  now  referred  to  as  the Theory,  Modeling,  and  Simulations  (TMS)  element  in the Heliophysics  program. 

The  former  Heliophysics  Theory  Program  provides  the  foundation of  the  TMS  element. Increasingly,  as  computing  power  becomes  more  affordable and  more available, numerical  simulations  and  modeling  become  tools  that  can  and  have been  used synergistically  with data analyses  and rigorous  theory  development  to solve the fundamental  problems  of  Heliophysics.  Artificial  intelligence (AI)  and  its  subset,  machine learning  (ML),  techniques  have become  potentially  effective means  for  achieving scientific  goals  and for  collecting  and  analyzing  large data sets.  Scientists  have begun to use "theory-aided"  or  "knowledge-aided"  AI  to achieve breakthroughs.  All  of  these tools  and  techniques  can lead the way  to new  understanding  and drive science concepts  for  future  strategic  missions.   

TMS investigations  may  use any  of  these  methodologies,  separately  or  together,  to address  a specific  science problem.  Theory  investigations  alone  are  encouraged. Investigations  using  the concepts  of  AI  are encouraged.  More traditional  modeling  and simulation are  also  acceptable  for  this  TMS  solicitation.  All  investigations  must  compare against  observations  for  ground truth.  The  ultimate  goal  of  TMS  investigations  is  to provide a complete chain of  reasoning  extending  from  the  basic  laws  of  nature  to comparison with observation to the identification of  future quantitative tests  of  the behavior  of  the  environment.  NASA  acknowledges  this  and renames  the  element "Theory,  Modeling,  and Simulations". 


  • REQUIRED Step 1 proposals: Dec. 15, 2022
  • Invited Step 2 proposals: March 14, 2023
Funding Type