Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 1/2/2025

Historic Preservation Fund - Semiquincentennial Grants

The National Park Service’s (NPS) Semiquincentennial Grant Program will support the physical preservation of a broad variety of cultural resources associated with the founding of America as a nation in commemoration of the country's semiquincentennial (250th anniversary). These grants are funded by the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF), administered by the NPS, and will fund physical preservation to properties listed in or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, including buildings, sites, structures, objects, or historic districts. Grants are awarded through a competitive process and do not require non-Federal match, though match may be considered as a competitive factor. State owned properties will receive priority per Congressional directive.

Deadline: March 18, 2025

Eligibility Requirements

Eligible applicants are State governments, local governments, nonprofits (including non-profit institutions of higher education), and Federally Recognized Indian Tribes, Alaskan Natives, and Native Hawaiian Organizations as defined by 54 USC 300300. Sites or collections owned or leased by the NPS, or in which the NPS holds a property interest are not eligible.

Amount Description

Award Ceiling: $750,000
Award Floor: $15,000

Funding Type
Topic areas