Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 9/15/2023

Humanities Research Centre (HRC) -- VISITING FELLOWS PROGRAM

The Humanities Research Centre (HRC) was established in 1972 as a national and international centre for excellence in the humanities and as a catalyst for innovative humanities scholarship and research within the Australian National University. The HRC interprets the ‘humanities’ generously, recognising that new methods of theoretical enquiry have done much to break down the traditional distinction between the humanities, the creative arts, and the social sciences. It also recognises the importance of establishing a dialogue between the humanities and the natural and technological sciences. One of its central functions is to bring to Australia scholars of international standing who will provoke fresh ideas both within and beyond the academic community. 

Our theme for 2024 is 'Time, Place, Everywhen'


Deadline: Oct. 20, 2023


Areas of Interest

HRC 2024 Annual Theme – Time, Place, Everywhen
2024 marks the 50th year of the ANU Humanities Research Centre (HRC). To celebrate, the HRC is supporting research into different ideas of time and place and paying respect to Indigenous people through the theme of ‘everywhen’

Everywhen brings together a sense of ever-present time with people, culture, law, the landscape and cosmos. While the term is associated with ANU anthropologist W.E.H Stanner, the fusion of time and place has deep origins and broad application.

Visiting Fellowships offered in 2024

  • HRC Annual theme Visiting Fellowship (with grant)

  • HRC Annual theme Visiting Fellowship (without grant)

  • HRC – Centre for Classical Studies Visiting Fellowship (with grant)

  • HRC Fellowship in Australian Studies (with grant)

  • HRC – Freilich Project for the Study of Bigotry (with grant)

Funding Type