This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites applications to participate in the Immune Drivers of Autoimmune Disease (IDAD) cooperative research program, which will focus on defining the immunologic states and dynamics that drive autoimmune disease. The main objective of this program is to enhance our understanding of the immunologic processes, events, and changes that underlie the clinical manifestations of autoimmune diseases, including disease flare, remission, and progression of established disease, as well as the progression from a state of elevated risk to clinical diagnosis of autoimmune disease.
Only one application per institution (normally identified by having a unique DUNS number or NIH IPF number) is allowed. Interested applicants from within Duke should contact as early as possible.
Letter of Intent Due Date(s): 30 days prior to the application due date
Application Due Date: July 01, 2022
RFA-AI-22-012 Expiration Date July 02, 2022
Application budgets must reflect the actual needs of the proposed elements and are limited to $750,000 direct costs per year.
The scope of the proposed project should determine the project period; the maximum project period is five years.