Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 4/10/2024

Innovations in Nutrition Programs and Services - Coordinated Systems Demonstration

This Notice of Funding Opportunity has three goals. 1) To improve the senior nutrition program by optimizing senior center collaboration, innovation, and quality. 2) To identify and share best practices for this collaboration. 3) To promote senior center modernization.

Deadline: May 6, 2024


Eligibility Requirements

Only these types or organizations may apply:
• Domestic public or private non-profit entities, including state and local governments
• Tribal governments or organizations (American Indian/Alaskan Native/Native American)
• Faith-based organizations
• Community-based organizations
• Hospitals
• Institutions of higher education

Amount Description

Award Size: $4,800,000 over a 4-year project period, to be paid out in one-year budgets
◦ Year One budget: up to $1.8 million
◦ Years Two through Four budget: up to $1 million