The K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Award recognizes graduate students who show exemplary promise as future leaders of higher education and who are committed to academic innovation in the areas of equity, community engagement, and teaching and learning.
A faculty member or administrator must nominate the student, with a supporting letter from a second faculty member or administrator.
Deadline for Nominations: Oct. 1, 2024
All doctoral-seeking graduate students who are planning a career in higher education are eligible to be nominated, regardless of academic discipline. Graduate students in fields where the master’s degree is the terminal degree (such as the MFA in art) are also eligible. Students must be nominated by a faculty member or administrator and must hold student status in January 2025.
Nominations must demonstrate the students’ exemplary promise as future leaders and their current commitments to equity, innovations in teaching and learning, and community engagement as integrated components of their graduate work. In general, nominees who are already senior-level leaders in higher education are not strong candidates for this award, as it is designed to recognize future leadership potential.
The K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Awards provide financial support for graduate students to attend AAC&U’s Annual Meeting.
The awards include travel, lodging, conference registration, and a one-year affiliation with AAC&U, including subscriptions to all AAC&U periodicals.