The Lenfest Ocean Program is interested in supporting research projects that fill knowledge gaps and demonstrate how to incorporate a climate lens into protected area management. Changing ocean conditions due to climate variability and change, such as increasing temperature, ocean acidification, and deoxygenation, among others, are already impacting marine ecosystems worldwide. However, there is limited information and guidance about how established marine protected areas (MPAs) should consider the changing climate in their management. To that end, we are requesting proposals for research and planning grants focused on developing and providing usable information about managing protected areas in a changing ocean.
The LOP will accept proposals for either of two types of projects, a research grant or a planning grant. Applicants may elect to apply for both types of projects, however the LOP will not award more than one grant to an investigator or investigator team.
- Letter of Intent (optional): Nov. 30, 2022
- Proposals: Jan. 23, 2023
The LOP is interested in proposals that aim to address or advance work on one or more of the following themes:
1. Monitoring ecosystem changes to inform management responses
2. Incorporation of climate change considerations into MPA management
3. Social-ecological impacts of climate change and their intersection with MPA management:
4. Enabling conditions for MPA governance and adaptation under climate change